Our products are shipped exclusively via Japan’s postal service system, Japan Post, which works in cooperation with the postal service in your country to deliver your items. Orders are shipped by Express Mail Service (EMS) that includes tracking and insurance up to 20,000yen. Shipping rates are calculated by weight based on the shipping address you enter on this site.
You will be personally notified after your purchase, and adjustments will be made to ensure the best possible shipment. To check whether your country/region is eligible for EMS shipping, please take a look at the following site:
Neither nor its Partners are responsible for loss or damage of shipment after it has been sent from the post office in Japan. However, in the event of non-delivery, or in the event of damage to shipment, please contact us immediately and we will attempt to rectify the situation to the best of our ability. Photographic evidence may be very helpful, please take photographs immediately upon arrival if you believe something is wrong with the shipment.
Returns & Refunds
In general, all sales on this Website are final. However, we may accept returns and/or refunds on a case by case basis if your package has arrived damaged or defective in some way. Please be sure to take photographic evidence and contact us immediately.
Customs & Import Taxes
Please note that customs regulations vary from country to country and officials in various countries may inspect your shipment, including intrusive inspection (opening of your package). Neither nor its Partners can guarantee any method to prevent this from happening. We are also unable to mark items as “gifts” as this is both illegal and has no bearing on whether a package is or is not inspected. You are responsible for any import taxes or other duties that may be charged by your the customs and postal services of your country.
Processing of orders generally requires 2-3 business days, but may require longer time in some cases due to inventory or backlog. A notice will be sent to you when your item is shipped.
Shipping Time
Express Mail Service (EMS) generally takes 3-5 days, but may take longer depending on the time of year and your region. If you have not received your item within 7 business days, please contact us.
This site is dedicated to implementing a safe and secure browsing and shopping experience. To this end, we have outsourced our billing functions to Stripe Payments, allowing us to avoid collecting sensitive credit card data from customers. Stripe is one of the world’s leading online payment processing services offering far more security features than we could ever offer ourselves.
Read more about Stripe
Beware of Phishing
We encourage you to be aware of scams and phishing (in which people pretend to be PayPal or other legitimate companies to trick you into providing personal information). A general rule to avoid being snared by these scams: NEVER GIVE OUT YOUR PASSWORD OR CREDIT CARD INFORMATION BY EMAIL!! We will never ask for your password or your credit card information in this way.