Online virtual tea tour 17/10

We would like to thank everyone who joined our online tea tours so far. We feel very encouraged by all the enthusiasm and were so happy to share our tea world with you.
We will be holding more tea tours (online and offline) in the future. Watch our latest posts, or visit our Instagram or Facebook pages for our news, or fill in the contact form below to let us know you would like to be informed about future tours.

    Would you like to travel to a beautiful Japanese tea region to see where tea grows and visit a local tea processing factory?

    Please join our online virtual tea tour!

    At Ikedoki Tea we host tea tours where we take you out into the tea fields, show you a tea processing factory and let you taste a flight of Nagasaki specialty teas. However, due to the unfortunate COVID-19 outbreak, we cannot invite you to visit us in person yet.
    We are looking forward to invite you to visit us in Higashi-Sonogi in the future, but in the meantime we invite you to join us for a virtual online tea tour!

    We held our very first online tea tour at the end of August and had over 90 tea enthusiasts join us live. We had a fantastic time and we hope to welcome you on our next tea tour!

    Join our tour

    What: Online virtual tea tour from the Nagasaki tea region
    (from tea region to your digital space)

    When: Saturday 17 October we will host two tours on different time slots

    • 9 am – 11 am JST (Japan time, GMT+9)
    • 4 pm – 6 pm JST (Japan time, GMT+9)

    Language: English

    What to prepare: a smartphone, tablet or computer. The tour will be hosted through the Zoom platform. (Please download the free Zoom app beforehand to save yourself from troubleshooting when the tour begins.)

    Tour Schedule: 2 hours

    • Welcome tea and a brief introduction
    • Visit to some beautiful tea fields
    • Visit a tea processing factory
    • Tasting & Lecture of traditional locally made Japanese teas
    • Q&A and farewell

    Admissionfree for everyone.
    Please feel welcome to join and register below!
    We will then send you a confirmation email with the Meeting ID and Password.

    As the tour is scheduled to take 2 hours, please prepare everything at home to drink your favourite Japanese tea during the tour so that you will not feel thirsty watching us drink tea!